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Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

The Power of Concentration

The Power of Concentration
By Remez Sasson

"The powers of the mind are like the rays of the sun. When they are concentrated, they illumine." - Swami Vivekananda
When I was a child, I saw how a magnifying glass could burn a piece of paper, when the rays of the sun were focused through it on one point. The fire could only be ignited, when the sun's rays were concentrated on a small point. When the magnifying glass was moved too far away, or too close to the paper, the rays were not focused enough, and nothing happened.
This experience, describes vividly, how the power of concentration works. It is a skill, which enables you to fix your attention on one single thought or subject, while at the same time excluding from your awareness everything else.

"The power of concentration manifests as focused attention and as a one pointed mind."
When you focus your mind, you conserve your energies and do not dissipate them on irrelevant thoughts or activities. This is why, developing concentration is vital for anyone aspiring to be more efficient and take charge of his or her life. This skill is vital for every kind of success. Without it, your efforts get scattered, but with it, you can accomplish great things.
Concentration has many uses and benefits. It assists in studying, enables faster comprehension, improves the memory, helps in focusing on a task, job or goal, and therefore, achieving them more easily and efficiently. It is a powerful tool for the efficient use of creative visualization, and it also helps in developing psychic powers.
When this ability is strong, the mind obeys you more readily and does not engage in futile, negative thoughts or worries. This ability plays an important role in meditation, gaining mental mastery, and attaining peace of mind.
Without it, the mind just jumps restlessly from one thought to another, not allowing you to meditate properly.
Do you now realize, why it is very important and worthwhile to develop and improve the ability to concentrate?
To develop this power you need to train and exercise it. Forget all your excuses about not having the time or being too busy. Do not say that the circumstances are not appropriate, or that you cannot find a quiet place to exercise. With a little planning, desire and motivation, you can always find the time to exercise each day, no matter how busy you are.
The restless mind
Thoughts claim our attention constantly, wasting our time and energy on unimportant and useless matters. They actually, rule our life. We have become so used to this condition that we regard it as natural.
While breathing, we do not need to pay attention to each inhalation and exhalation. We become conscious of the process of breathing, only when we have some difficulty with breathing, such as when our nose is clogged, due to a cold, or when we are in an unventilated room.
It is the same with thinking. We become conscious of the constant onslaught of our thoughts, and of our inability to calm them down, only when we need to concentrate, solve a problem or study. We are also acutely aware of them, when we have worries or fears.
Examine this familiar situation. You need to study something for your job or for an exam. You sit comfortably on the sofa with the book in your hands and start reading. After a while, you feel hungry and go to the kitchen to eat something.
You return to the book, but a few moments later you hear people talking outside. You listen to them for several moments and then bring your attention back to the book.
After a while, you feel restless and switch on the radio to listen to music. You continue reading a few moments, and then remember an incident that happened yesterday, and start thinking about it.
When you look at your watch, you are amazed to find out that one complete hour has passed, and you have hardly read anything.
This is what happens when one lacks concentration. Imagine what you could have accomplished, if you could control your attention and focus your mind!
A job that requires physical strength, such as carrying heavy loads, for example, strengthen the muscles. However, it is not the same as exercising daily in a gym. Reading and studying, exercise the mind, but to gain strong concentration, you need to practice exercises every day, just like training in a gym.
Inner resistance to developing concentration
To develop this ability, you have to train your mind. Most people believe that concentration is a strenuous and tiring activity, and that it involves exertion and tension, which are difficult and unpleasant. This belief, which usually starts at an early age, is not true.
Parents and teachers expect children to study, do their homework and get good grades. Sometimes, they use disciplinary measures against the children. This makes the children feel forced to do something they don't like doing.
Telling a child often, that he or she is not concentrating well enough, creates a subconscious aversion to concentration and study. These become associated with coercion, lack of freedom, and doing something they do not like to do. When children grow up, it is no wonder that their power of concentration is too weak.
Though most people would admit that good concentration is a great asset, yet, most of them, do nothing to strengthen it, because they don't know how, and because they lack the motivation to do so.
Concentration can be fun, if approached in the right way. It should be practiced with joy, positive attitude, optimism, and understanding of its great possibilities.

The Power of Concentration
By Remez Sasson
"The powers of the mind are like the rays of the sun. When they are concentrated, they illumine." - Swami Vivekananda
When I was a child, I saw how a magnifying glass could burn a piece of paper, when the rays of the sun were focused through it on one point. The fire could only be ignited, when the sun's rays were concentrated on a small point. When the magnifying glass was moved too far away, or too close to the paper, the rays were not focused enough, and nothing happened.
This experience, describes vividly, how the power of concentration works. It is a skill, which enables you to fix your attention on one single thought or subject, while at the same time excluding from your awareness everything else.
"The power of concentration manifests as focused attention and as a one pointed mind."
When you focus your mind, you conserve your energies and do not dissipate them on irrelevant thoughts or activities. This is why, developing concentration is vital for anyone aspiring to be more efficient and take charge of his or her life. This skill is vital for every kind of success. Without it, your efforts get scattered, but with it, you can accomplish great things.
Concentration has many uses and benefits. It assists in studying, enables faster comprehension, improves the memory, helps in focusing on a task, job or goal, and therefore, achieving them more easily and efficiently. It is a powerful tool for the efficient use of creative visualization, and it also helps in developing psychic powers.
When this ability is strong, the mind obeys you more readily and does not engage in futile, negative thoughts or worries. This ability plays an important role in meditation, gaining mental mastery, and attaining peace of mind.
Without it, the mind just jumps restlessly from one thought to another, not allowing you to meditate properly.
Do you now realize, why it is very important and worthwhile to develop and improve the ability to concentrate?
To develop this power you need to train and exercise it. Forget all your excuses about not having the time or being too busy. Do not say that the circumstances are not appropriate, or that you cannot find a quiet place to exercise. With a little planning, desire and motivation, you can always find the time to exercise each day, no matter how busy you are.
The restless mind
Thoughts claim our attention constantly, wasting our time and energy on unimportant and useless matters. They actually, rule our life. We have become so used to this condition that we regard it as natural.
While breathing, we do not need to pay attention to each inhalation and exhalation. We become conscious of the process of breathing, only when we have some difficulty with breathing, such as when our nose is clogged, due to a cold, or when we are in an unventilated room.
It is the same with thinking. We become conscious of the constant onslaught of our thoughts, and of our inability to calm them down, only when we need to concentrate, solve a problem or study. We are also acutely aware of them, when we have worries or fears.
Examine this familiar situation. You need to study something for your job or for an exam. You sit comfortably on the sofa with the book in your hands and start reading. After a while, you feel hungry and go to the kitchen to eat something.
You return to the book, but a few moments later you hear people talking outside. You listen to them for several moments and then bring your attention back to the book.
After a while, you feel restless and switch on the radio to listen to music. You continue reading a few moments, and then remember an incident that happened yesterday, and start thinking about it.
When you look at your watch, you are amazed to find out that one complete hour has passed, and you have hardly read anything.
This is what happens when one lacks concentration. Imagine what you could have accomplished, if you could control your attention and focus your mind!
A job that requires physical strength, such as carrying heavy loads, for example, strengthen the muscles. However, it is not the same as exercising daily in a gym. Reading and studying, exercise the mind, but to gain strong concentration, you need to practice exercises every day, just like training in a gym.
Inner resistance to developing concentration
To develop this ability, you have to train your mind. Most people believe that concentration is a strenuous and tiring activity, and that it involves exertion and tension, which are difficult and unpleasant. This belief, which usually starts at an early age, is not true.
Parents and teachers expect children to study, do their homework and get good grades. Sometimes, they use disciplinary measures against the children. This makes the children feel forced to do something they don't like doing.
Telling a child often, that he or she is not concentrating well enough, creates a subconscious aversion to concentration and study. These become associated with coercion, lack of freedom, and doing something they do not like to do. When children grow up, it is no wonder that their power of concentration is too weak.
Though most people would admit that good concentration is a great asset, yet, most of them, do nothing to strengthen it, because they don't know how, and because they lack the motivation to do so.
Concentration can be fun, if approached in the right way. It should be practiced with joy, positive attitude, optimism, and understanding of its great possibilities.
How to Focus Your Mind
Strengthen the power of your mind.
Tips, advice and simple exercises for improving your concentration and focusing your mind.
The benefits of developing the power of concentration
There are many benefits to developing the power of concentration. Here are a few of them:
  • Control of your thoughts.
  • The ability to focus your mind.
  • Peace of mind.
  • Freedom from futile and annoying thoughts.
  • The ability to choose your thoughts.
  • Better memory.
  • Improved Self-confidence.
  • Inner strength.
  • Stronger Willpower.
  • Decisiveness.
  • The ability to study and comprehend more quickly.
  • Inner happiness.
  • More powerful and efficient use of creative visualization.
  • -Deeper and more successful meditation.
  • And much more...
Does this seem too good to be true? Develop the power of concentration and find out for yourself!
So what about starting to develop concentration power today?

Kekuatan Konsentrasi

Oleh Remez Sasson

"Kekuatan pikiran seperti sinar matahari. Ketika mereka terkonsentrasi, mereka menerangi." - Swami Vivekananda

Ketika saya masih kecil, saya melihat bagaimana kaca pembesar bisa membakar selembar kertas, ketika sinar matahari difokuskan melalui itu pada satu titik. Api hanya bisa dinyalakan, ketika sinar matahari terkonsentrasi pada titik kecil. Ketika kaca pembesar dipindahkan terlalu jauh, atau terlalu dekat dengan kertas, sinar tidak cukup fokus, dan tidak ada yang terjadi.

Pengalaman ini, menggambarkan dengan jelas, bagaimana daya konsentrasi bekerja. Ini adalah keterampilan, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memperbaiki perhatian Anda pada satu pikiran tunggal atau subjek, sementara pada saat yang sama tidak termasuk dari segala kesadaran Anda yang lain.

"Kekuatan konsentrasi bermanifestasi sebagai fokus perhatian dan sebagai satu pikiran runcing."

Ketika Anda memfokuskan pikiran Anda, Anda menghemat energi Anda dan jangan menyia-nyiakan mereka pada pikiran atau kegiatan yang tidak relevan. Inilah sebabnya, mengembangkan konsentrasi sangat penting bagi siapa pun bercita-cita untuk menjadi lebih efisien dan mengambil alih hidupnya. Keterampilan ini sangat penting untuk setiap jenis keberhasilan. Tanpa itu, usaha Anda bisa tersebar, tapi dengan itu, Anda dapat mencapai hal-hal besar.

Konsentrasi memiliki banyak kegunaan dan manfaat. Hal ini membantu dalam belajar, memungkinkan pemahaman yang lebih cepat, meningkatkan memori, membantu dalam berfokus pada tugas, pekerjaan atau tujuan, dan karena itu, mencapai mereka lebih mudah dan efisien. Ini adalah alat yang ampuh untuk efisiensi penggunaan visualisasi kreatif, dan juga membantu dalam mengembangkan kekuatan batin.

Ketika kemampuan ini kuat, pikiran mematuhi Anda lebih mudah dan tidak terlibat dalam sia-sia, pikiran negatif atau kekhawatiran. Kemampuan ini memainkan peran penting dalam meditasi, mendapatkan penguasaan mental, dan mencapai ketenangan pikiran.

Tanpa itu, pikiran hanya melompat gelisah dari satu pikiran ke yang lain, tidak memungkinkan Anda untuk bermeditasi dengan benar.

Apakah Anda sekarang menyadari, mengapa sangat penting dan berharga untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan untuk berkonsentrasi?

Untuk mengembangkan kekuatan ini Anda perlu untuk melatih dan latihan itu. Lupakan semua alasan Anda tentang tidak memiliki waktu atau terlalu sibuk. Jangan mengatakan bahwa keadaan yang tidak sesuai, atau bahwa Anda tidak dapat menemukan tempat yang tenang untuk berolahraga. Dengan sedikit perencanaan, keinginan dan motivasi, Anda selalu dapat menemukan waktu untuk berolahraga setiap hari, tidak peduli seberapa sibuknya Anda.
Pikiran gelisah

Pikiran mengklaim perhatian kita terus-menerus, membuang-buang waktu dan energi pada hal-hal yang tidak penting dan tidak berguna. Mereka benar-benar, mengatur hidup kita. Kita telah menjadi begitu terbiasa dengan kondisi ini kita menganggapnya sebagai natural.

Saat bernapas, kita tidak perlu memperhatikan setiap menghirup dan menghembuskan nafas. Kita menjadi sadar proses pernapasan, hanya ketika kita memiliki beberapa kesulitan bernapas, seperti ketika hidung tersumbat, karena dingin, atau ketika kita berada di ruang berventilasi.

Hal ini sama dengan pemikiran. Kita menjadi sadar serangan konstan pikiran kita, dan ketidakmampuan kita untuk menenangkan mereka, hanya ketika kita perlu berkonsentrasi, memecahkan masalah atau studi. Kami juga sadar mereka, ketika kita memiliki kekhawatiran atau ketakutan.

Memeriksa situasi akrab. Anda perlu belajar sesuatu untuk pekerjaan Anda atau untuk ujian. Anda duduk dengan nyaman di sofa dengan buku di tangan Anda dan mulai membaca. Setelah beberapa saat, Anda merasa lapar dan pergi ke dapur untuk makan sesuatu.

Anda kembali ke buku, tapi beberapa saat kemudian Anda mendengar orang berbicara di luar. Anda mendengarkan mereka selama beberapa saat dan kemudian membawa perhatian Anda kembali ke buku.

Setelah beberapa saat, Anda merasa gelisah dan menghidupkan radio untuk mendengarkan musik. Anda terus membaca beberapa saat, dan kemudian ingat sebuah insiden yang terjadi kemarin, dan mulai berpikir tentang hal itu.

Ketika Anda melihat jam tangan Anda, Anda kagum untuk mengetahui bahwa satu jam telah berlalu lengkap, dan Anda hampir tidak membaca apa-apa.

Inilah yang terjadi ketika salah satu tidak memiliki konsentrasi. Bayangkan apa yang bisa dicapai, jika Anda bisa mengontrol perhatian dan memfokuskan pikiran Anda!

Sebuah pekerjaan yang membutuhkan kekuatan fisik, seperti membawa beban berat, misalnya, memperkuat otot-otot. Namun, tidak sama dengan berolahraga setiap hari di gym. Membaca dan belajar, latihan pikiran, tetapi untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi yang kuat, Anda perlu berlatih latihan setiap hari, seperti pelatihan di pusat kebugaran.
Resistensi batin untuk mengembangkan konsentrasi

Untuk mengembangkan kemampuan ini, Anda harus melatih pikiran Anda. Kebanyakan orang percaya bahwa konsentrasi adalah aktivitas berat dan melelahkan, dan bahwa hal itu melibatkan tenaga dan ketegangan, yang sulit dan tidak menyenangkan. Keyakinan ini, yang biasanya dimulai pada usia dini, tidak benar.

Orang tua dan guru mengharapkan anak-anak untuk belajar, melakukan pekerjaan rumah mereka dan mendapatkan nilai yang baik. Kadang-kadang, mereka menggunakan tindakan disipliner terhadap anak-anak. Hal ini membuat anak-anak merasa dipaksa untuk melakukan sesuatu yang mereka tidak suka lakukan.

Menceritakan seorang anak sering, bahwa ia tidak berkonsentrasi cukup baik, menciptakan keengganan bawah sadar untuk konsentrasi dan belajar. Ini menjadi terkait dengan pemaksaan, kurangnya kebebasan, dan melakukan sesuatu yang mereka tidak ingin lakukan. Ketika anak-anak tumbuh, maka tidak mengherankan bahwa kekuasaan mereka konsentrasi terlalu lemah.

Meskipun kebanyakan orang akan mengakui bahwa konsentrasi yang baik merupakan aset besar, namun, sebagian besar dari mereka, melakukan apa pun untuk memperkuat itu, karena mereka tidak tahu bagaimana, dan karena mereka tidak memiliki motivasi untuk melakukannya.

Konsentrasi bisa menyenangkan, jika didekati dengan cara yang benar. Ini harus dilakukan dengan sukacita, sikap positif, optimis, dan pemahaman kemungkinan yang besar.

Manfaat mengembangkan daya konsentrasi

Ada banyak manfaat untuk mengembangkan daya konsentrasi. Berikut adalah beberapa dari mereka:

     Mengendalikan pikiran Anda.
     Kemampuan untuk memfokuskan pikiran Anda.
     Ketenangan pikiran.
     Bebas dari pikiran yang sia-sia dan menjengkelkan.
     Kemampuan untuk memilih pikiran Anda.
     Memori yang lebih baik.
     Peningkatan Kepercayaan diri.
     Kekuatan batin.
     Kemauan kuat.
     Kemampuan untuk belajar dan memahami lebih cepat.
     Batin kebahagiaan.
     Penggunaan yang lebih kuat dan efisien visualisasi kreatif.
     -Deeper Dan lebih sukses meditasi.
     Dan banyak lagi ...

Apakah ini tampak terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan? Mengembangkan daya konsentrasi dan mencari tahu sendiri!

Jadi bagaimana dengan mulai mengembangkan daya konsentrasi hari ini?

Saran dan latihan:
Kekuatan Konsentrasi - Latihan

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