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Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

My Daily Activity [Antas]

Nama         : Ana Taspiana
Kelas /Nim   : B / 513047
The second Task of English for Communication


My name is Ana Taspiana, I am 22 years old. My activity as a student has the distinction of activity in each day, and on this occasion I will tell my usual daily activities to do with my family. Here's the story:
The morning
As a muslim, every morning I woke up at 05 a.m. to carry out the obligation to take holy water to take  dawn prayer. After that normally I would read the qur'an with my sister. And then I took exercise such as walks around the neighborhood of my house. Activities that I do until 06.00 in the morning. Afterward I tidied up my bedroom such us opening the window, turning off the lamp, sweeping the floor, arranging my pillow and bolsters and folding my blanket. And then I took a bath in bathroom while washed my face and brushed my teeth. Next I got dress my campus uniform and have a breakfast. After that I was getting ready to go to campus. I got study at 08.00 am. I usually go to campus using a motorcyle provided by my father. Before I went to campus, I asked permission to my father and shook his hand.
In the campus
I study at PEC (Prima Education Centre). That is located at Sukawati Street. My lesson in the campus is talk about mastery in technology. Most of the lesson that I learned was computer system. My studying hours are from 08: 00 a.m. until 12.00 p.m in the mornng class or from 01: 00 p.m until 05: 00 pm in the afternoon class. At 01: 00 p.m I usually take dhuhur prayer at mosque after from campus or before go there. Then I don’t forget to take  lunch.
Afternoon (after home work)
In the afternoon, I usually directly prepare to take Ashar prayer. When time allows I like to pray in Congregation in the mosque, but if not I will pray at home. After that I usually spend the afternoon for teaching english course in PEC (Prima Education Centre) especially of Elementary 1. Or if the condition of the class is not enable in the afternoon. I will teach english course in the evening. These activities I do at 03.00 p.m. till 05.00 p.m. or if there is not class to teach, I usually spend my time to listening music and studying beside my home, and then I bathe and prepare to take sunset prayer in the mosque.

The evening
After the prayer, I had dinner with my family while telling what things have in going through these days. Or after I have finished my work to teach, I go home to take dinner. In my house I make dinner with my sister. Then when I have no schedule, I went back to the mosque while waiting for the arrival of the time for ' Isha ' but if I have schedule I only take isya prayer in home. Afterthat I usually watch television with my family or read a book or novel while teach my sister to finish his homework. But when I am on a schedule, I'll prepare myself  to finish my assignment from campus.
Afterthat I went into the bathroom to washed my face and brush my teeth and then back to my bedroom, I don’t forget to turn off the lamp and pray before prepare my self to sleep. This activity I did until about 10: 00 p.m. After that I went to bed.

Such is the usual activities I do everyday, and this activity is not an activity that always happen like this. My activities will change daily depending on the circumstances and conditions that exist around me.

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