Posted by Sekolah Bintang Malang
Senin, 08 Juli 2013 0 komentar
Jenius English Malang
Apakah anda merasa
anak anda kesulitan belajar bahasa asing?? Atau anak anda tidak tertarik untuk
belajar bahasa asing? Mulai sekarang anda harus cari tahu penyebab-penyebab
yang mempengaruhi anak anda kesulitan belajar bahasa asing terutama bahasa
Inggris yang menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran wajib disekolah .
Menurut Ibu Kasihani
K.E. Suyanto dalam bukunya English for Young Learner, menjelaskan bahwa ada
beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi belajar bahasa Inggris. Faktor-faktor
tersebut adalah:
Bahasa Ibu
Tidak jarang bahasa ibu atau bahasa
pertama menjadi penghambat dalam mempelajari bahasa asing. Ejaan,
pengucapan, intonasi, struktur kalimat ataupun kosakata yang berbeda antara
bahasa pertama dan bahasa kedua kadang membuat anak merasa kesulitan
mempelajarinya. Seperti pengucapan bunyi huruf yang panjang seperti pada kata
roof; diftong /au/, /ou/ seperti pada kata now [nau] dan road [roud]. Dan juga
pola kata benda yang yang di kombinasi dengan kata sifat misalnya:
Adj N
Dalam bahasa Indonesia letaknya
N Adj
Bahan Ajar
Pemilihan materi sebagai bahan ajar
dengan teknik pembelajaraan yang sesuai dengan usia dan minat anak akan memberi
ketertarikan tersendiri untuk anak dalam belajar. Bahan ajar hendaknya yang
dapat mengajak siswa untuk belajar aktif, yang mempunyai tujuan jelas dan
bermakna. Sesuaikan juga dengan pemilihan kata serta tingkat kesulitan.
Susunlah dengan runtut mulai dari yang mudah ke yang lebih susah.
Interaksi sosial
Komunikasi antara siswa dan guru atau
antara siswa dan siswa yang hangat akan memberikan rasa aman pada pembelajar
dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri. Interaksi sosial juga membantu anak untuk
menggunakan bahasa dan membuat mereka saling belajar. Hubungan ini bisa
terjalin melalui permainan, lagu, dan kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan
berpasangan ataupun kelompok.
Media pembelajaran
Pembelajaran bahasa asing pada
anak-anak akan lebih efektif bila didukung dengan media untuk menunjang
kegiatan belajar mengajar karena anak-anak menyukai hal-hal yang bersifat
visual. Seperti finger puppets, gambar, miniatur atau bahkan benda-benda
disekitar kita seperti foto, pen, buku cerita, jam dinding dan lain-lain.
Belakang Keluarga
Faktor latar belakang keluarga atau
sosial juga dapat menunjang atau menghambat keberhasilan anak dalam belajar
bahasa asing. Seperti tersedianya kamus, buku, saluran televisi luar negeri
bahkan support orang tua merupakan faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi cara
belajarnya. Benda-benda disekitar anak pun dapat menambah kosakata. Dan buku
bacaan yang dibelikan orang tua juga akan membantu anak untuk belajar bahasa
asing terutama bahasa asing.
faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi anak-anak anda dalam belajar bahasa asing
terutama bahasa Inggris. Jika anda sudah menemukan faktor apa yang mempengaruhi
anak anda, maka segeralah anda mencari solusinya. Semoga bermanfaat.
: English for Young Learner oleh Kasihani K.E Suyanto
Sang Bintang School
Kursus Bahasa Inggris Cepat “Metode Kamponk Jenius”
Kursus Bahasa Inggris Cepat “Metode Kamponk Jenius”
Kantor Cabang Malang:
kalijaga Komplek Ruko Sigura-gura Kav.D
(Belakang Kampus UIN MALIKI Malang)
Cp: 085649755952
Twitter : @KampungEnglishM
(Belakang Kampus UIN MALIKI Malang)
Cp: 085649755952
Twitter : @KampungEnglishM
- See more at:
Factors Affecting
Children In Foreign Language Study
Posted by Star School Malang Monday, July 8, 2013 0 comments
Genius English club Malang
Do you feel your child a foreign language learning difficulties ? ? Or your child is not interested in learning a foreign language ? From now on you have to find out the causes that affect your child's learning difficulties foreign languages especially English which became one of the compulsory subjects in school .
According to Mrs. Spare K.E. Suyanto in his book English for Young Learner , explained that there are several factors that affect learning English . These factors are :
1 . Languages Mother
Not infrequently the mother tongue or first language as a barrier to learning a foreign language . Spelling , pronunciation , intonation , vocabulary or sentence structure is different between the first language and second language children sometimes make it difficult to learn . Such as a long vowel pronunciation as the word roof ; diphthong / au / , / ou / as in the word now [ nau ] and road [ roud ] . And also the pattern of the noun in combination with adjectives , for example :
Beautiful woman
adj N
Indonesian in a different location :
N Adj
2 . Instructional Materials
The selection of materials as teaching materials with pembelajaraan techniques appropriate to the age and interests of the child will give its own attraction for children in learning . Teaching materials that should be able to invite students to active learning , which has a clear and meaningful purpose . Adjust also the choice of words and the level of difficulty . Arrange with coherent ranging from easy to more difficult .
3 . Social interaction
Communication between students and teachers or between students and the students will give a warm sense of security to the learner and enhance confidence . Social interaction is also helping children to use language and make them learn from each other . This relationship can be established through games , songs , and learning activities are carried out in pairs or groups .
4 . The Media Learning
Foreign language learning in children would be more effective if supported by the media to support the learning activities for the kids like things that are visual . Such as finger puppets , drawings , miniatures or even objects around us such as photos , pens , story books , wall clocks , and others.
5 Family Background
Factor family or social background also may support or hinder the child's success in learning a foreign language . Such as the availability of dictionaries , books , television channels even support foreign parents is a factor that can affect the way of learning . Objects around a child can add vocabulary . And bought books that parents will also help the child to learn a foreign language , especially a foreign language .
That the factors that affect your children in learning foreign languages, especially English. If you 've found what factors affect your child , then immediately you find a solution. May be useful .
Source: English for Young Learner by Spare KE Suyanto
The Star School
English courses Fast " Method Kamponk Genius "
Malang Branch Office :
Jl.Sunan Kalidjaga Commercial Complex Sigura - Gura Kav.D
( Rear Campus UIN Maliki )
Cp : 085649755952
Twitter : @ KampungEnglishM
- See more at : # sthash.K3s6f7tQ.dpuf
Posted by Star School Malang Monday, July 8, 2013 0 comments
Genius English club Malang
Do you feel your child a foreign language learning difficulties ? ? Or your child is not interested in learning a foreign language ? From now on you have to find out the causes that affect your child's learning difficulties foreign languages especially English which became one of the compulsory subjects in school .
According to Mrs. Spare K.E. Suyanto in his book English for Young Learner , explained that there are several factors that affect learning English . These factors are :
1 . Languages Mother
Not infrequently the mother tongue or first language as a barrier to learning a foreign language . Spelling , pronunciation , intonation , vocabulary or sentence structure is different between the first language and second language children sometimes make it difficult to learn . Such as a long vowel pronunciation as the word roof ; diphthong / au / , / ou / as in the word now [ nau ] and road [ roud ] . And also the pattern of the noun in combination with adjectives , for example :
Beautiful woman
adj N
Indonesian in a different location :
N Adj
2 . Instructional Materials
The selection of materials as teaching materials with pembelajaraan techniques appropriate to the age and interests of the child will give its own attraction for children in learning . Teaching materials that should be able to invite students to active learning , which has a clear and meaningful purpose . Adjust also the choice of words and the level of difficulty . Arrange with coherent ranging from easy to more difficult .
3 . Social interaction
Communication between students and teachers or between students and the students will give a warm sense of security to the learner and enhance confidence . Social interaction is also helping children to use language and make them learn from each other . This relationship can be established through games , songs , and learning activities are carried out in pairs or groups .
4 . The Media Learning
Foreign language learning in children would be more effective if supported by the media to support the learning activities for the kids like things that are visual . Such as finger puppets , drawings , miniatures or even objects around us such as photos , pens , story books , wall clocks , and others.
5 Family Background
Factor family or social background also may support or hinder the child's success in learning a foreign language . Such as the availability of dictionaries , books , television channels even support foreign parents is a factor that can affect the way of learning . Objects around a child can add vocabulary . And bought books that parents will also help the child to learn a foreign language , especially a foreign language .
That the factors that affect your children in learning foreign languages, especially English. If you 've found what factors affect your child , then immediately you find a solution. May be useful .
Source: English for Young Learner by Spare KE Suyanto
The Star School
English courses Fast " Method Kamponk Genius "
Malang Branch Office :
Jl.Sunan Kalidjaga Commercial Complex Sigura - Gura Kav.D
( Rear Campus UIN Maliki )
Cp : 085649755952
Twitter : @ KampungEnglishM
- See more at : # sthash.K3s6f7tQ.dpuf
- Bahasa Asing
Pembelajaran bahasa asing berkembang
mengacu pada pendapat yang berbeda-beda.(Horma, hal. 49-57, 1978) diantaranya
sebagai berikut:
- Sejak pertengahan abad ini, telah nampak perhatian besar terhadap pembelajaran bahasa asing baik dari sisi metode pembelajaran, materi, sarana pembelajaran dan dasar-dasar bahasa.
- Sampai pada permulaan di abad ini, perhatian besar tercurahkan pada bahasa tulis. Nampak sekali kemampuan berbahasa yang ditekankan oleh berbagai lembaga pendidikan dalam proses pengajaran bahasa asing, yakni kemampuan membaca. Sebagaimana pembelajaran bahasa latin yang berkutat pada pengajaran kaidah-kaidah bahasa, kemudian siswa berlatih untuk membaca teks dengan bahasa tersebut, dan selanjutnya menerjemah bahasa tersebut kedalam bahasa ibu. Metode ini yang lazimnya disebut Grammar Translation Method (طريقة القواعد والترجمة).
- Pada permulaan abad ini pula, muncul gerakan khusus yaitu Direct Method(طريقة المباشرة) yang penemunya berhipotesis –dengan metode yang salah- bahwa siswa mempelajari bahasa asing dengan metode yang sama dengan pemerolehan bahasa ibu. Yaitu dengan memberikan kalimat dan ucapan dalam jumlah yang banyak dan terus-menerus tanpa adanya aturan, batasan, ketentuan atau sistem bahasa yang ia gunakan.
- Setelah itu, baru pada abad 30-an muncul metode yang mempelajari kalimat-kalimat yang lebih banyak beredar pada bahasa asing. Seperti dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan buku-buku Micael Wesht “1000 kata”. Buku ini dijadikan patokan untuk menciptakan buku-buku bahasa Inggris di dunia, khususnya di Negara Comnulis yang dalam buku ini kemampuan membaca merupakan pondasi atau dasar yang harus dipelajari dan ditekuni oleh siswa.
- Sejak perang dunia kedua khususnya di USA, mulai memperhatikan bahasa modern dan lebih berkonsentrasi pada susunan bahasa dari pada penggunaan kosa kata. Untuk memenuhi hal itu didirikanlah sekolah Deskriptif-Formalis. Sebagai hasilnya adalah para ahli bahasa menerapkan teorinya tanpa perlu bantuan dari ahli pendidikan. Selain itu, juga mengenyampingkan faktor-faktor selain bahasa yang terdapat dalam dunia pendidikan. Fenomena itu nampak jelas khususnya pada abad 50 dan 60-an, yang senantiasa disertai perlawanan terhadap penggunaan dialog(hiwar) sebagai materi utama dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing.
- Berkonsentrasi penuh terhadap bahasa komunikasi dan dialog dengan memperhatikan fenomena phonetik yang tak pernah disentuh oleh bahasa tulisan. Serta penggunaan teknologi untuk membantu para guru dalam mengajar, salah satunya adalah penggunaan tape recorder.
- Dari sudut pandang psikologi prillaku bahasa merupakan entitas dari kumpulan kebiasaan yang mendorong adanya pemerolehan bahasa melalui Respon-Stimulus. Oleh karena itu para ilmuwan berpendapat bahwa penyampaian bahasa mulai dari bagian terkecilnya yang dituangkan kedalam contoh yang serupa dengan tujuan melatih pelajar untuk mendalami setiap bagian sampai batas tertentu. Kemudian latihan-latihan secara menyeluruh hingga siswa berhasil mempelajari semua materi.
- Dilakukannya studi perbandingan yang komprehensif antara bahasa ibu dan bahasa asing untuk menemukan letak perbedaanya yang paling mendasar.
- Setelah itu perlu ciptakan laboratorium bahasa yang merupakan media pembelajaran efektif sampai masa sekarang ini.
- Sekolah-sekolah yang menyelenggarakan pembelajaran bahasa, hendaknya menggabungkan antara spesialis pendidikan dan spesialis bahasa agar mencurahkan bidangnya masing-masing. Ahli pendidikan berkonsentrasi pada bidang praktis sementara ahli bahasa berkonsentrasi pada bidang teori dan konsep. Pandangan ini bertolak pada:
- Bahwa fenomena fonetik dalam bahasa (ucapan yang terucap) adalah fenomena yang paling mendasar.
- Bahwasanya bahasa bukanlah tradisi yang diupayakan.
- Bahwasanya bahasa adalah bahasa yang digunakan oleh manusia secara praktis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan bukan bahasa yang disampaikan oleh para ahli struktur bahasa yang berdasar pada kesahihan berbahasa.
- Tidak ada bahasa permulaan, tetapi setiap bahasa yang ada di bumi tersusun dengan bentuk yang konvensional, yang di dalamnya terdapat aturan instrinsik dimana bahasa itu mampu mewakili ucapan manusia yang menggunaknnya.
Dasar-dasar dan hipotesis-hipotesis
ini diterjemahkan kedalam langkah kerja yang diperhatikan oleh fenomena bahasa
lisan dan pembelajaran bahasa asing dengan menggunakan metode Audio Lingual
Approach (الطريقة السمعية الشفوية)
sebagaimana yang di hasilkan oleh buku diktat dan alat-alat atau media belajar.
Realitasnya, bahwa studi-studi
terdahulu dari konteks psilogis telah menjadi dasar teori psikologi ini. Hal
itu karena bahasa bukanlah kumpulan adapt-kebiasaan saja tetapi lebih merupakan
sarana yang dikukuhkan oleh kaidah-kaidah tertentu yang perlu dibedah.
Meskipun Metode Audio Lingual ini
berkembang pesat selama dua-tiga dasawarsa di penjuru dunia yang berbeda-beda,
namun nampak adanya banyak kekurangan. Walaupun metode yang digunakan setelah
itu, juga tak mencapai formatnya yang sempurna sampai sekarang.
k. Muara akhir dalam studi
kebahasaan adalah keyakinan bahwa bahasa adalah sarana komunikasi. Begitu juga
perhatian dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing harus berpijak pada kesahihan
(Accuracy). Maksudnya kedalaman format/bentuk bahasa dalam fungsinya sebagai
komunikasi. Atau dengan kata lain, pada kontek ucapan atau tulisan tanpa adanya
kesalahan bahasa.
l. Arah atau tujuan yang dominan
sekarang ini adalah upaya menyediakan bahan ajar yang berguna untuk dimensi
social(Social Dimension) (Horma, 1978). Yakni meningkatkan kemampuan pelajar
untuk berkomunikasi (communicative competence), dari pada kemampuan
kebahasaannya (linguistic competence). Untuk merealisasikan tujuan ini
membutuhkan seorang guru yang handal. Karena kemampuan berkomunikasi tak akan
berhasil tanpa adanya seoarang ahli bahasa. Pada jenjang pendidikan dasar
barangkali penerapan metode ini mengalami kesulitan, dan bila memungkinkanpun
hasilnya akan namapak pada jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Karena siswa pada jenjang
ini telah memperoleh dasar kebahasaan yang memungkinkan untuk penerapannya
secara aplikatif.
Kedua; Dimensi Psikologi Khusus Dalam
Pempelajaran Bahasa Asing
Dari sisi psikologis, tabiat manusia dipengaruhi oleh faktor
psikologi(terutama pengaruh saraf) dan biologi. Factor ini sangat berpengaruh
dalam proses belajar bahasa asing. Selain itu, manusia juga dipengaruhi oleh
faktor intelejensia dan pendidikannya. Sebagai contoh motifasi dasar dalam
belajar, baik belajar bahasa atau belajar berbagai ilmu pengetahuan yang lain
sesuai jenjang pendidikan yang berbeda-beda. Faktor-faktor tersebut akan kami
jelaskan sebagai berikut:
- Karakteristik neuro spikologis dalam belajar bahasa asing
Banyak sekali para pendidik di dunia modern ini yang
mengajukan pertanyaan, terutama masalah umur yang cocok untuk memulai belajar
bahasa asing. Akhir-akhir ini mayoritas pendapat cenderung untuk memulai
belajar bahasa asing sejak umur dini, minimal sebelum baligh(pubertas), sesuai
studi Anderson (hal.298-306, 1960), Kirsch (hal.399-400), Larew (hal. 203-206,
Pendapat-pendapat ini didasari oleh bahwa anak ketika
belajar lebih dari satu bahasa pada masa dini, kemampuannya dalam meyerap
bahasa lebih baik dari pada diusia dewasa. Pendapat ini juga menjelaskan
memungkinkannya seorang anak mempelajari tiga atau empat bahasa asing dengan
mudah -baik ucapan maupun kemampuannya- sebagaimana ia mempelajari bahasa ibu.
Pendapat-pendapat ini dikuatkan oleh para
pemerhati-pemerhati bahasa dalam studi mereka. Al-Kindi (penfield, hal.201-214,
1959) salah seorang ahli bedah sarap menyatakan bahwa otak manusia setelah
balig(dewasa) akan kehilangan plasticitinya. Oleh karena itu belajar
bahasa setelah masa ini akan mengalami kesulitan.
Sisi lain, ada pendapat yang meragukan keberhasilan belajar
bahasa asing sejak usia dini. Dengan dalih bahwa waktu yang dicurahkan untuk
belajar bahasa asing diusia itu akan berpengaruh negative pada pembelajaran
bahasa Ibu, sebagaimana juga akan berpengaruh pada pendidikan dan perkembangan
otak anak. Inilah yang dalam teorinya mereka sebut Balance of effect, yang
menjelaskan bahwa waktu yang digunakan dalam mempelajari bahasa asing akan
sangat berpengaruh tehadap pembelajaran bahasa ibu (native language),
sebagaimana pengaruh pendidikan -secara umum- terhadap perkembangan otak anak
pada tahun pertama.
Dari sisi neuro physiology, ada studi tentang
perberkembangan kemampuan otak secara aplikatif, disebutkan bahwa pada tahun ke
sembilan sampai tahun ke dua belas seorang anak mampu memfokuskan dalam belajar
berbicara A Specialist in learning to speack , oleh karena itu ketika
seorang anak telah mencapai umur sekian akan mampu belajar dua atau tiga bahasa
sekaligus secara baik.
Selain itu, ketika seorang anak semakin dewasa ia akan
protek dalam belajar bahasa, karenanya seorang guru harus menyediakan kurikulum
bahasa yang sesuai dengan kemampuan otak mereka baik laki-laki atau perempuan. Pendapat
lain dari Dr. Blompeld, bahwa akan lebih bermanfaat jika menerapkan rencana
kurikulum bahasa yang bertujuan mempercepat pembelajaran bahasa asing di tahun
kedua, agar mereka dapat memahami bahwa mereka masih pada tahap pemula dalam
mempelajari bahasa asing. Hal itu didasarkan bahwa mereka belum cukup umur,
yang sesuai dengan perkembangan otak mereka. ada saatnya kematangan biologis
pada akal sehingga dapat bekerja secara sempurna sebagaaimana cara kerja
anggota tubuh mereka. (Blompeld, hal. 201-214, 1953).
Rumah mempunyai peran efektif dalam pembelajaran bahasa.
karena di dalamnya ada aturan yang akan membangun perkembangan akal anak.
Seorang ibu akan mudah untuk mendorong anaknya dalam mempelajari bahasa, namun
demikian motivasi terbesar tetap ada pada diri anak itu sendiri.
Otak anak kecil masih adaptif atau fleksibel dalam menerima
bahasa, sementara otak anak dewasa sudah terkontaminasi oleh visi-misi mereka,
oleh karena itu kemampuan anak dewasa dalam mempelajari bahasa lebih rendah
dari pada kemampuan seorang anak kecil.
Hal itu dapat dikukuhkan dengan sebuah analisa, ketika
seorang anak -baik kecil atau dewasa- kembali belajar setelah proses operasi
atau sakit yang dapat mempengaruhi organ untuk berbicara (otak bagian kiri),
dalam batas tertentu mereka sama, tidak mampu untuk berbicara dengan baik.
Namun anak kecil akan lebih mudah berbicara kembali setelah beberapa bulan,
sementara anak dewasa hampir tak dapat berbicara dan stagnan kemampuan
- karakteristik biologis dalam mempelajari bahasa asing
Jelaslah, bahwa mempelajari bahasa ibu bergantung pada
mekanisme biologis anak Biological Mechanism. Mekanisme otak berkembang
dalam jangka waktu yang singkat. Anak yang hingga beranjak pubertas (balig)
belum dapat berbicara, maka akan mengalami gangguan berbicara dan menggunakan
bahasa seperti manusia pada umumnya. Hal ini ditegaskan oleh pendapat Lennberg
(Lennberg, hal. 216-252, 1966) dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Dasar-Dasar
Biologis Dalam Bahasa” bahwa bahasa ibu tak dapat diperoleh dengan baik
selama anak dalam masa pertumbuhan hingga masa tua. Dan rentang waktu tersebut
merupakan dimensi paling signifikan dalam psikologi bahasa.
Pendapatnya pula, bahwa batas pemerolehan bahasa pertama
adalah saat usia mendekati pubertas (balig). Hal ini dapat diketahui pada
anak-anak yang lemah intelejensianya. Ia nampak lemah dalam memperoleh bahasa
hingga mereka sampai pada fase awal pubertas, akibat …… oleh karena itu ketika
ia pada masa sulit(bicara) dalam permerolehan bahasa ia mempelajari bahawa ia dalam
masa permulaan yang sangat terbatas oleh kekurangan dan kematangan. Hal ini
akibat dari rendahnya adaptasi seorang anak sebagai pengaruh dari saraf
psikologis anak.
Lennberg menegaskan akan penting dan saratnya lingkup sarap
psikologis dalam pemerolehan bahasa asing melalui tabel yang memperjelas
perkembangan bahasa, pemerolehan dan pengajaran bahasa ibu, dan bahasa asing.
Sebagai berikut:
Perkembangan bahasa
Dalam studinya Yeni-Komshian, Zubin dan Afendras
(hal.288-305, 1968), menjelaskan bahwasanya seorang anak lebih memungkinkan
kemampuannya untuk mengucapkan suara-suara bahasa asing dari pada anak besar.
Studi ini telah sempurna memuat dua golongan individu mulai umur lima sampai
duapuluh satu tahun. Serta eksperimen ini telah dilakukan selama tujuh jam yang
memuat tentang dua tema perbedaan pembelajaran serta pelatihan bahasa asing.
Namun demikian belum menunjukkan bukti yang konkrit.
Dari analisanya, bahwa anak-anak kecil yang hijrah bersama
ayahnya ke Negara baru sebelum menginjak usia dewasa, akan mampu mempelajari
bahasa dimana ia bertempat, serta menggunakannnya dengan baik melalui bahasa
ucap masyarakat setempat, lebih-lebih dari kedua orang tuanya.
- Dimensi Pendidikan Dan Intelejensia Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing
Macmanara (hal.135-137, 1966) menegaskan, bahwa adanya
pengaruh neuropsikologis dan kemampuan dalam mempelajari bahasa asing antara
anak-anak dan orang dewasa. Macmanara telah menjelasakan pemikirannya dengan
tujuh puluh bab mengenai pengaruh pendidikan dan intelejensia dalam
pembelajaran bahasa.
Hasilnya, bahwa ada pengaruh seimbang antara anak-anak
setempat dan anak-anak yang menggunakan atau mempelajari dua bahasa mereka.
Pemahaman mereka terhadap kedua bahasa tersebut menjadi lemah dari pada
anak-anak yang hanya berbicara dengan satu bahasa. Macmanara telah menjelaskan
bahwa anak-anak Iralndia yang berbicara bahasa Inggris, 40 % dari waktu belajar
mereka di sekolah-sekolah mereka belajar bahasa Irlandia, jelas mereka tidak
akan sama -dalam hal menulis bahasa Inggris- dengan anak-anak Inggris yang
tidak pernah belajar bahasa kedua, sebagaimana anak-anak Inggris tidak akan
sama -dalam hal menulis bahasa Irlandia – dengan anak-anak Irlandia.
Yang jelas, bahwa banyak sekali eksperimen-eksperimen
mengenai pembelajaran bahasa asing, yang saling bertentangan hasilnya.
Sebab-musababnya adalah perbedaan situasi dan kondisi lingkungan eksperimen
tersebut, disamping faktor-faktor internal lain seperti yang berkaitan dengan
dunia pendidikan, social masyarakat dan psikologi.
Sesuai keputusan Unesco pada tahun 1963 -yang merujuk pada
pendapat Stern- tentang pembelajaran bahasa asing atau bahasa kedua untuk
anak-anak, bahwa pembelajaran bahasa pada usia dini adalah merupakan fase yang
paling cocok dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. Stern berpendapat bahwa:
- Pembelajaran bahasa secara umum merupakan hal penting dalam social masyarakat dan pendidikan.
- Pembelajaran bahasa haruslah sesuai dengan fase-fase perkembangan anak. Artinya tidak adanya pengaruh-pengaruh psikologis yang menghalangi proses pembelajaran bahasa asing.
- Dalam pembelajaran bahasa bukan berarti harus mencari umur yang tepat, hanya saja pada awal-awal tahun adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mempelajari bahasa.
Stern juga menambahkan, bahwa pembelajaran bahasa asing
tidak hanya terbatas pada masalah sederhana yang menyangkut kurikulum, metode
pembelajaran atau ketentuan psikologis yang cocok dengan umur anak, melainkan
ada hal-hal penting lain khususnya yang menyangkut semangat dan kesiapan mental
anak terhadap kontek sosio kemasyarakatan dimana ia belajar.
Stern telah menjelaskan dampak positif dan negatifnya dalam
pemerolehan bahasa berdasarkan umur, sebagai berikut:
- fase kanak-kanak (umur 3-10 tahun)
- Dampak positif:
- Secara Neuropsikologis, fase ini sangat sesuai dengan cara kerja otak
- Belajar lebih mudah dan efektif
- Pada fase ini, muncul ucapan-ucapan baru yang alamiyah dalam berbahasa.
- Masa-masa ini mempunyai pengaruh kuat pada masa-masa selanjutnya dalam ingatan berbahasa.
- Pemerolehan bahasa pada fase-fase ini akan lebih awet digunakan
- Dampak negative:
- Adanya percampuran kebiasaan antra bahasa asing dan bahasa pertama (ibu)
- Pemerolehan bahasa saat belajar pada fase ini belum sampai lubuk hati.
- Waktu yang digunakan tak sebanding dengan hasil yang didapatkan
Fase pubertas (sejak umur 11 tahun – akhir SMP)
- Dampak positif:
- Pada umur-umur ini, nampak sekali kemampuan untuk merespon segala fenomena khususnya bahasa atau komunikasi budaya.
- Pada umur ini individu mulai mampu memcapai level tinggi
- Pada fase ini perkembangan intelejesia anak dan kemampuan mengingat sangat tinggi, bila dibandingkan dengan fase-fase sebelumnya.
- Pada umur-umur ini tidak terjadi percampuran/kerancuan antara mempelajari bahasa pertama (ibu) dan bahasa kedua (asing).
- Dampak negative:
- Belajar bahasa pada umur-umur ini membutuhkan upaya ekstra keras dari pada fase-fase sebelumnya
- Keberhasilan seorang anak tergantung pada kemampuannya dalam memahami semua pengetahuan
- Adanya kecenderungan tidak siap untuk mengingat
- Pengalaman pribadi yang kerap kali terjadi membuat materi-materi pengajaran baru tidak berarti
- Biasanya terjadi tumpang tindih dalam metode dan studi yang bermacam-macam
Fase Pencerahan (setelah lulus kuliyah)
- Dampak positif:
- Pada fase ini focus pada tujuan belajar yang konkrit
- Motivasi dalam belajar pada fase ini lebih besar
- Kwantitas belajar lebih banyak dan waktu yang tersedia lebih sedikit
- Dampak negative:
- Waktu tak mencukupi untuk belajar
- Disibukkan oleh tugas-tugas dan pekerjaan lain
- Motivasi dan pengaruhnya dalam mempelajari bahasa
Bilingual (penggunaan dua atau lebih bahasa) merupakan
problem mendasar di dunia modern kita. Pada zaman-zaman terdahulu sebagian
kelompok masyarakat antusias sekali untuk belajar bahasa ibu, dan menolak
bahasa asing. (Jackobovitch, hal. 29-79, 1971). Hal itu disebabkan oleh
fanatisme dan perseteruan antar Negara/bangsa, pencarian identitas budaya,
perang ekonomi dan social budaya. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa pembelajaran
bahasa asing menjadi penting seiring pentingnya mempelajari budaya Asing.
Menurut sebagian kelompok bahwa budaya asing ini tercipta sebagai bentuk
penghancuran atas pengalaman/nilai budaya sebagian kelompok tersebut.
Studi-studi Lambert (hal. 358-368, 1963) yang dilakukan pada
sepuluh tahun terkhir di universitas Machgil Kanada telah menunjukkan bahwa
keberhasilan individu dalam berbahasa asing , secara bertahap berpengaruh
terhadap prilaku individu bersangkutan. Dimana prilaku tersebut akan membentuk
kultur bahasa dalam sebuah komunitas. Pemahaman dan sikap seorang guru akan
menentukan keberhasilan pembelajaran bahasa yang diajarkannya. Sebagaimana
sebagian kelompok masyarakat yang merasa risau/bingung ketika belajar bahasa
asing. Dengan harapan mereka bisa menerima esesnsi kelompok lain, hal itu
karena mereka tidak merasa diterima dalam dalam kelompok dan kebudayaan mereka
yang berkembang di sana. Sementara di sana ada sekelompok lain yang semangat
dan motivasi mereka dalam mempelajari bahasa mengacu pada kesenangan kultur
social masyarakat mereka, dan berambisi untuk meletakkan budaya asing yang
samasekali berbeda.
Realitasnya- bahwa meskipun ia berkompeten dalam mempelajari
bahasa asing – ia senantiasa memperhatikan kondisi social aslinya (Original
Group) dan di lain waktu ia juga senantiasa memperhatikan kondisi social
masyarakat kedua.
Bertolak dari dua bentuk kebudayaan (budaya pertama dan
kedua) seseorang, sesungguhnya ia terkadang membiasakan penghayatan
pengalaman-pengalaman dengan rasa kekecewaan ketika ia kehilangan untuk bisa
komunikasi dengan salah satu dari keduanya, dan perasaan was-was ketika dating
budaya yang baru.
yang mempengaruhi motivasi dalam mempelajari bahasa asing
- kreteria evaluasi diri (self -Evaluation)
sebagaimana telah diketahui bahwa
individu-dari sisi psikologis- yang belajar bahasa asing dapat melakukan
percepatan belajar bahasa. Hal itu ditegaskan oleh Hoeningswald (hal, 16-20,
1966) bahwa sebagian individu mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengevaluasi diri. Ia
merasa sangat terpacu dalam mempelajari bahasa tertentu. Sementara sebagian
invidu lain memandang dirinya tak mampu mempelajari bahasa tertentu. Adakalanya
kemampuan invidu dalam merangkai kalimat dengan tepat dan mengucapkannya secara
benar dengan strukr yang benar, maka individu seperti ini dari sudut pandang
bahasa digolongkan baik dan mampu untuk memahami bahasa yang diajarkannya.
Sedangkan individu yang ucapannya kurang baik dan penggunaan strukturnya tidak
tepat, maka individu ini dimungkinkan tidak mampu berbicara bahasa asing dengan
Adapun seorang siswa yang mampu
membaca materi-materi berat berbahasa asing, sementara dilain waktu ia tidak
mampu berbicara dengan bahasa asing, hal ini akan mengurangi pemahamannya
terhadap bahasa asing yang ia pelajari, bila dibandingkan dengan siswa yang
sering berbicara dengan bahasa asing dan meskipun dalam suatu kesempatan ia terlihat
lemah dalam mencari padanan kata, maka sebenarnya siswa seperti ini juga sedang
mengevaluasi dirinya. Dan pangkalnya adalah semangat kemajuan dalam belajar dan
kesadaran atas ketidakmampuan dirinya dalam menggunakan bahasa asing.
- sikap (kesiapan mental) siswa
faktor kedua yang mempengaruhi motivasi dalam mempelajari
bahasa asing, adalah sikap siswa. Terkadang seorang siswa merasa terbebani oleh
kegiatan-kegiatan belajar bebahasa asing. Baik kegiatan dalam kelas, di
laboratorium dan pekerjaan rumah (Jacopovitch, hal. 29-76, 1971).
Anak-anak kecil atau sebagian anak besar yang tingkat
kecerdasannya dibawah standar rata-ratatidak melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan ini
seperti halnya anak-anak besar atau siswa-siswa yang cerdas.ini semua
berpangkal pada sikap siswa dalam mempeljari bahasa asing. Pada era modern ini
kebanyakan siswa memandang bahwa pengajaran materi tertentu harus berkaitan
dengan semangat siswa, oleh sebab itu sikap siswa dan segala yang berkaitan
dengan motivasi belajar adalah hal penting dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa
terhadap pembelajaran bahasa asing.
Diantara bukti pentingnya sikap siswa dalam mempelajari
bahasa asing adalah apa yang telah dilakukan oleh beberapa universitas sekarang
ini, yaitu dengan mengikut sertakaan mahasiswa dalam membuat kurikulum bahasa,
sehingga kurikulum ini selaras dengan sikap siswa dan yang lebih penting adalah
motivasi mereka dalam belajar (Jacopovitch, hal. 29-76, 1971).
Seorang guru bahasa asing yang berpengalaman, akan
mengetahui bahwa motivasi siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa asing sangatlah
bervariatif dan akan menjadi sulit untuk menanggulangi motivasi ini hanya
melalui rekayasa pendidikan.
Dengan demikian patutlah mengetengahkan studi studi Muller
dan Harris yaitu untuk meminimalisir jumlah keterlambatan/keterbelakangan
pembelajaran bahasa asing dalam masa belajar yang mencapai 20% dimana
studi-studi tersebut berdasar pada azas meminimalisir sumber-sumber kesulitan
yang sesuai dengan kecenderungan siswa dalam kurikulum pengajaran dengan tanpa
meninggalkan tujuan utamanya.
Dua faktor (kreteria evaluasi diri dan sikap siswa) inilah
yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap motivasi dalam mempelajari bahasa asing.
Dasar-Dasar Yang Harus Diperhatikan Dalam Pembelajaran
Bahasa Asing
apa yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing?, berkenaan dengan
pertanyaan ini ada daasar-dasar yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pembelajaran
bahasa asing, antara lain:
- Tak ada satupun tujuan yang paling cocok untuk diterapkan secara logis dalam pengajaran bahasa asing. Tak ada bukti konkrit bahwa dalam memulai pembelajaran bahasa asing harus sampai pada bahasa komunikasi atau membaca atau bahkan sebaliknya. Sebabnya adalah bervariatifnya kecenderungan dan kebutuhan siswa, serta kesiapannya dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing.
- Hendaknya memperjelas tujuan kurikulum pengajaran bahasa asing yang spesifik dengan mempertimbangkan maharah (kemampuan berbahasa)tertentu, yang memungkinkan dapat terrealisasi.
- Dalam pengajaran bahasa asing bukan berarti merealisasikan tujuan tertentu saja melainkan juga mewujudkan kemampuan dan kesiapan dalam mempelajarinya.
- Khusus mengenai pertanyaan “umur berapa yang cocok untuk memulai belajar bahasa asing?”, adalah permasalahan pelik yang membutuhkan strategi politik, social budaya, filsafat dan psikologis. Dalam konteks psikologis hendaknya tidak hanya berkutat pada faktor neuro psikologis saja tetapi juga harus memperhatikan faktor-faktor lain yang telah disebutkan.
- Dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing hendaknya kita selalu menekankan perhatian pada sisi sosio-psikologis
- Adanya perbedaan metode pengajaran dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing, karena dipengaruhi oleh bervariatifnya kreatifitas guru dan sejauhmana responsibelitas murid dalam menyikapi pembelajaran tersebut.
1. The Foreign Language
Developing foreign language learning refers to the different opinions. (Hormah, p. 49-57, 1978) including the following:
1. Since the middle of this century, has appeared great attention to learning a foreign language both in terms of teaching methods, materials, tools and learning the basics of the language.
2. Till the beginning of this century, great attention tercurahkan in written language. It appears that once proficiency is emphasized by various educational institutions in the process of teaching a foreign language, namely the ability to read. As the Latin language learning that dwell on teaching the rules of the language, then the students practice reading the text with the language, and then translate that language into the mother tongue. This method is commonly called the Grammar Translation Method (طريقة القواعد والترجمة).
3. At the beginning of this century as well, specifically movements that emerged Direct Method (طريقة المباشرة) hypothesize that the inventor-to-one method that students learn a foreign language with the same method as the mother of language acquisition. That is by giving the sentence and utterance in large numbers and continuous absence of rules, restrictions, conditions or language system he was using.
4. After that, the new century 30s studying emerging methods sentences are more widely circulated in a foreign language. As in learning English using books Micael Wesht "1000 words". This book is used as a benchmark to create English language books in the world, particularly in the State Comnulis that in this book the ability to read is the foundation or base that must be learned and occupied by students.
5. Since the second world war, especially in the USA, began to pay attention to modern languages and concentrate more on the composition of the use of language vocabulary. To fulfill this descriptive-formalist school erected. As a result of applying his theory of language experts without needing help from education experts. Moreover, it also waives factors other than the language contained in the education world. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the 50 century and 60's, which is always accompanied by resistance to the use of dialogue (Hiwar) as the main material in foreign language learning.
6. Concentrate fully on the language of communication and dialogue with regard phonetic phenomenon that was never touched by the written language. And the use of technology to assist teachers in teaching, one of which is the use of a tape recorder.
7. Prillaku From the psychological point of view of language is a collection of custom entities that encourage language acquisition through Response-Stimulus. Therefore, the scientists argue that the delivery of language ranging from the smallest being poured into a similar example with the aim to train students to explore each section to a certain extent. Then thoroughly exercises to students successfully learn all the material.
8. Conduct of a comprehensive comparison study between the mother tongue and foreign languages to locate the most fundamental difference.
9. Having the need to create a language lab is an effective learning medium until the present time.
10. The schools are organized around language learning, educational specialists should combine and language specialists in order to devote their respective fields. Educational experts while concentrating on the practical field linguists concentrate on field theory and concepts. This view is contrary to:
1. Whereas phonetic phenomena in language (spoken utterance) is the most fundamental phenomena.
2. Tradition endures language is not pursued.
3. Behold, the language is the language used by humans to practical use in everyday life, and not the language spoken by the experts based on the structure of language speaking validity.
4. Language There is no beginning, but every language on earth arrayed with conventional forms, in which there is intrinsic rules of the language in which it is able to represent human speech is to take an.
The basics of these hypotheses and translated into action steps to be taken by the phenomena of spoken language and foreign language learning by using Audio Lingual Approach (الطريقة السمعية الشفوية) as that produced by the dictates of books and media equipment or study.
The reality is, that previous studies of context psilogis has been the basis of this psychological theory. That's because the language is not a collection of indigenous-only habits but rather a means confirmed by certain rules that need to be dissected.
Although the Audio Lingual Method is growing rapidly for two-three decades across different world, but one there are many shortcomings. Although the methods used after that, also do not achieve perfect format until now.
k. End of the estuary in the study of language is the belief that language is a means of communication. So is the attention in learning a foreign language should be based on the validity (Accuracy). That is the depth of the format / language in its function as a form of communication. Or in other words, in the context of spoken or written language without mistakes.
l. Dominant direction or purpose today is an attempt to provide a useful teaching materials for the social dimension (Social Dimension) (Hormah, 1978). Improve the ability of students to communicate (communicative competence), from the linguistic abilities (linguistic competence). To realize this goal requires a reliable teacher. Because the ability to communicate will not succeed without the seoarang linguists. Basic education is perhaps the application of these methods have difficulty, and when the results will be namapak memungkinkanpun at a higher level. Because students at this level have acquired basic language that allows for the application is applicable.
Second; Psychological Dimensions of Foreign Languages Within Pempelajaran
In terms of psychology, human behavior is influenced by psychological factors (especially the influence of the nerves) and biology. This factor is very influential in the process of learning a foreign language. In addition, humans are also influenced by factors of intelligence and education. For example, the basic motivation in learning, either learn the language or learn a variety of other appropriate science education different. These factors will be explained as follows:
1. Characteristics of neuro spikologis in learning foreign languages
Lots of educators in this modern world are asking the question, especially suitable for the age problems start learning a foreign language. Lately the majority opinion tends to start learning a foreign language from an early age, at least before the legal age (puberty), the appropriate study of Anderson (hal.298-306, 1960), Kirsch (hal.399-400), Larew (p. 203 -206, 1961).
These opinions are based on that child when learning more than one language at an early age, their ability to absorb language better than the adult age. This argument also explains enable a child to learn three or four foreign languages easily-both speech and ability-as he studied the native language.
These views are corroborated by the observer-observer of language in their studies. Al-Kindi (Penfield, hal.201-214, 1959), one of the surgeons ter states that the human brain after balig (adults) will lose plasticitinya. Therefore, learning the language after this period will have trouble.
The other hand, there is an opinion doubting the success of learning a foreign language at an early age. On the pretext that the time devoted to learning a foreign language at the age it will be a negative effect on the mother language learning, as it will also affect the education and development of children's brain. This is in theory they call the Balance of effect, which explains that the time spent in learning a foreign language will greatly affect tehadap learning the mother tongue (native language), as well as the effect of general-education-the child's brain development in the first year.
In terms of neuro physiology, there is the study of the brain's ability perberkembangan applicative, mentioned that in the year to nine to twelve years of a child is able to focus on learning to speak a Specialist in learning to speack, therefore when a child has reached that age would able to learn two or three languages at once is good.
In addition, when a child grows up, he will be protectionism in language learning, therefore the teacher must provide appropriate language curriculum with the ability of their brains either men or women. Another opinion from Dr.. Blompeld, that would be more useful if applying the language curriculum plan that aims to speed up foreign language learning in the second year, so that they can understand that they are still at the beginner stage in learning a foreign language. It was based on that they are not old enough, that in accordance with their brain development. no biological maturity at a reasonable time so that it can work perfectly sebagaaimana the workings of their limbs. (Blompeld, p. 201-214, 1953).
The house has an effective role in language learning. because in it there is a rule that would establish reasonable development of the child. A mother will be easy to encourage children in learning the language, however, remains the biggest motivation in the child's own self.
Small child's brain is still adaptive or flexible in accepting the language, while the adult child's brain has been contaminated by their vision-mission, therefore the child's ability to learn the language of adults in lower than the ability of a child.
It can be confirmed by an analysis, when a small child or an adult right-back learning after the surgery or illness that may affect the organs of speech (left hemisphere), to some extent they are, are not able to speak well. But the little boy would be easier to talk again after a few months, while the adult children can barely speak and stagnant speaking ability.
1. Biological characteristics in learning foreign languages
Clearly, studying the native language that relies on the biological mechanisms of Biological Mechanism children. Brain mechanisms evolved in a short time frame. Children who grow up to puberty (balig) can not speak, it will have a speech impairment and use a language like humans in general. This is confirmed by the opinions Lennberg (Lennberg, p. 216-252, 1966) in his book entitled "Biological Basics in language" that the mother tongue can not be obtained with either for children in infancy to old age. And the time span is the most significant dimension in the psychology of language.
His opinion anyway, that first language acquisition is the limit when approaching the age of puberty (balig). This can be seen in children intelejensianya weak. He appears weak in acquiring the language until they arrive at the initial phase of puberty, due ...... therefore when he was on hard times (talk) in permerolehan bahawa language he learned he was in the early stages of a very limited by the shortage and maturity. This is a result of a child as an adaptation to low influence of psychological nerve.
Lennberg saratnya confirms the importance and scope of psychological ter in foreign language acquisition through tables that clarify language development, acquisition and teaching of mother tongue and foreign languages. As follows:
English language development age
Native language • 0-3 months
• 4-20 months
• 21-36 months
• 3-10 years • Mengingau and Whining
• Whining and sentences
• Acquiring language
• Learn some simple sentence structure and its development depends on how much the pronunciation of the word he used
Foreign Language • 11-14 years
• Mid-puberty until subsequent phases • The ability to use a foreign language
• Feel difficult in acquiring and learning a second language, and increasing age will be increasingly difficult
In his study Yeni-Komshian, Zubin and Afendras (hal.288-305, 1968), explains that a child is more likely his ability to pronounce the sounds of a foreign language in older children. This study has been the perfect fit two people from the age group of five to twenty-one years. As well as this experiment has been carried out for seven hours on two themes which includes learning differences and foreign language training. However, not concrete evidence.
From his analysis, that small children who moved with his father to a new country before the age of consent, will be able to learn the language in which it is housed, and use it with both the local community through spoken language, more so than both parents.
1. Dimensions of Education and intelligence in a Foreign Language Learning
Macmanara (hal.135-137, 1966) confirms, that the influence of neuropsychological and ability to learn a foreign language among children and adults. Macmanara been thinking identifies the seventy chapters on the influence of education and intelligence in language learning.
The result, that there is a balance between the influence of local children and the children who use them or learn two languages. Their understanding of both languages become weaker than in children who only speak with one language. Macmanara has explained that Iralndia children who speak English, 40% of their time learning in their schools to learn the Irish language, obviously they will not be the same-in terms of writing English with English children who have never learned the language second, as the children will not be the same English-language writing in Ireland - with the children of Ireland.
What is clear, that a lot of experiments on learning foreign languages conflicting results. Cause-The cause is the difference in situations and environmental conditions of the experiment, in addition to other internal factors such as those related to education, social and community psychology.
As per decision of UNESCO in 1963-which refers to the opinion of the Stern-on learning a foreign language or a second language for children, that language learning at an early age is a phase that is most suitable in foreign language learning. Stern argues that:
1. Learning languages in general are important in people's social and educational.
2. Learning a language should be in accordance with the phases of child development. This means that the absence of psychological influences which hinder the process of learning a foreign language.
3. In language learning does not mean to look for the right age, it's just at the beginning of the year is a great time to learn the language.
Stern also added, that learning a foreign language is not only limited to simple problems related to curriculum, teaching methods or psychological provision that matches the child's age, but there are other important things, especially concerning the child's spirit and mental attitude towards socio societal context in which it learning.
Stern has explained the positive and negative impacts in language acquisition based on age, as follows:
1. The phase of childhood (age 3-10 years)
• Positive impact:
o In neuropsychological, this phase is in accordance with the workings of the brain
o Learning more easily and effectively
o In this phase, emerging new utterances Alamiyah in speaking.
o These times have a strong influence on the later period in the memory of speaking.
o Acquisition of language in these phases will be more durable to use
• Negative impacts:
• A mixture of foreign languages and customs as between first language (mother)
• Obtaining current language learning at this stage has not reached the heart.
• Time spent not comparable with the results obtained
B. Phase puberty (since the age of 11 years - the end of junior high school)
• Positive impact:
o At these ages, it appears once the ability to respond to these phenomena, especially the language or culture of communication.
o At this age people begin to reaching the high levels
o At this phase of development of the child and the memory intelejesia very high, when compared with the previous phases.
o In this age-old did not happen mixing / confusion among the first to learn the language (mother) and second language (foreign).
• Negative impacts:
Learning a language at this age-old need extra hard effort of the previous phases§
The success of a child depends on the ability to understand all of the knowledge§
There is a tendency not ready to remember§
Personal experience recurring create new teaching materials does not mean§
Usually there are overlaps in methods and study a variety of§
C. Phase Enlightenment (after graduation kuliyah)
• Positive impact:
In this phase focuses on concrete learning objectives§
Motivation in learning more on this phase§
learn more quantity and less time available§
• Negative impacts:
insufficient time to learn§
Preoccupied by assignments and other work§
1. Motivation and their effects in learning a language
Bilingual (use of two or more languages) is a fundamental problem in our modern world. In previous eras some groups of people were very enthusiastic to learn their mother tongue, and reject foreign language. (Jackobovitch, p. 29-79, 1971). It is caused by fanaticism and enmity between countries / nations, cultural identity search, economic and social culture war. As we know that learning a foreign language becomes important as the importance of studying foreign cultures. According to some foreign cultural group that was created as a form of destruction for the experience / cultural values of the majority group.
Studies Lambert (p. 358-368, 1963) conducted in ten years at the university terkhir Machgil Canada have shown that the success of an individual in a foreign language, gradually affect the behavior of the individual concerned. Where such behavior will form the culture of the language in a community. Understanding and attitude will determine the success of a teacher who teaches language learning. As some groups of people who feel worried / confused when learning a foreign language. In the hope they could receive esesnsi other groups, it is because they do not feel welcome in the group and their culture that developed there. While there is no other group that spirit and motivation in learning the language refers to the pleasure of the social culture of their society, and the ambition to put an entirely different foreign cultures.
The reality-that although he was competent in learning a foreign language - it always pay attention to the social conditions of the original (Original Group) and at other times he is also always consider the social conditions of the people of both.
Based on the two forms of culture (culture first and second) person, in fact he sometimes experiences familiarize appreciation with a sense of disappointment when he lost to be able to communicate with one of them, and the feeling of anxiety when dating a new culture.
Factors that affect motivation in learning a foreign language
1. Criteria evaluation (self-Evaluation)
as it has been known that the individual-psychological terms-that learning a foreign language can accelerate language learning. This was confirmed by Hoeningswald (point, 16-20, 1966) that some individuals have the ability to self-evaluate. He was very motivated in learning a particular language. While some other individuals view themselves not capable of learning a particular language. Sometimes the ability invidu in stringing sentences appropriately and correctly pronounce the strukr correct, then individuals like this from the standpoint of both languages classified able to understand the language and teaching. While individual words poorly and improper use of its structure, it is possible that individuals are not able to speak a foreign language well.
As a student who is able to read heavy materials in foreign languages, while at other times he was not able to speak a foreign language, this reduces their understanding of a foreign language he learned, when compared with students who often speak in a foreign language, and even in a occasion he looks weak in finding the equivalent word, then in fact the student as he is also being evaluated. And the base is the spirit of progress in learning and awareness of his inability to use a foreign language.
1. Attitude (mental preparation) students
The second factor affecting motivation in learning a foreign language, is the attitude of the students. Sometimes a student feels overwhelmed by the activities of foreign bebahasa learning. Both activities in the classroom, in the lab and homework (Jacopovitch, p. 29-76, 1971).
Small children or big child most of the average intelligence level below the standard-ratatidak perform these activities as well as a large children or students cerdas.ini all stem from the attitudes of students in a foreign language mempeljari. In this modern age most students perceive that teaching certain material should be related to the spirit of the students, therefore students' attitudes and everything related to the motivation to learn is essential in improving the ability of students towards learning a foreign language.
Among the evidence of the importance of the attitudes of students in learning a foreign language is what has been done by several universities today, is to follow sertakaan students in making the language curriculum, so that the curriculum is aligned with students' attitudes and, more important is their motivation in learning (Jacopovitch, it . 29-76, 1971).
An experienced teacher of foreign languages, will know that the students' motivation in learning a foreign language is very varied and will be difficult to cope with this motivation only through engineering education.
Thus you shall purge the study ascertains Muller and Harris study is to minimize the amount of delay / retardation of learning a foreign language learning in the future which reached 20% in which the studies are based on the principle of minimizing the sources of difficulty in accordance with the tendency of students in teaching the curriculum without leaving its primary purpose.
Two factors (self-evaluation criteria and attitudes of students) is what affects the motivation in learning a foreign language.
Basics You Should Look For In A Foreign Language Learning
So what should be considered in learning a foreign language?, With regard to this question is no daasar-basis to consider in learning a foreign language, among others:
1. Goal None of the most suitable to be applied logically in foreign language teaching. There is no concrete evidence that the foreign language learning should start up the communication language or reading or even vice versa. The reason is bervariatifnya trends and needs of students, as well as its readiness in learning a foreign language.
2. It should clarify the purpose of teaching a foreign language curriculum specifically by considering maharah (language skills) specific, which allows to political reality.
3. In foreign language teaching does not mean the realization of certain objectives but also embodies the ability and readiness to learn.
4. Especially with regard to the question "what age is suitable to start learning a foreign language?", Is a complicated problem that requires a political strategy, socio-cultural, philosophical and psychological. In the psychological context should not only focus on neuro-psychological factors, but also should pay attention to other factors that have been mentioned.
5. In learning a foreign language should we always emphasize attention on the socio-psychological
6. Existence of differences in teaching methods in learning a foreign language, because it is influenced by the extent bervariatifnya responsibelitas teacher creativity and student learning in addressing them.
Developing foreign language learning refers to the different opinions. (Hormah, p. 49-57, 1978) including the following:
1. Since the middle of this century, has appeared great attention to learning a foreign language both in terms of teaching methods, materials, tools and learning the basics of the language.
2. Till the beginning of this century, great attention tercurahkan in written language. It appears that once proficiency is emphasized by various educational institutions in the process of teaching a foreign language, namely the ability to read. As the Latin language learning that dwell on teaching the rules of the language, then the students practice reading the text with the language, and then translate that language into the mother tongue. This method is commonly called the Grammar Translation Method (طريقة القواعد والترجمة).
3. At the beginning of this century as well, specifically movements that emerged Direct Method (طريقة المباشرة) hypothesize that the inventor-to-one method that students learn a foreign language with the same method as the mother of language acquisition. That is by giving the sentence and utterance in large numbers and continuous absence of rules, restrictions, conditions or language system he was using.
4. After that, the new century 30s studying emerging methods sentences are more widely circulated in a foreign language. As in learning English using books Micael Wesht "1000 words". This book is used as a benchmark to create English language books in the world, particularly in the State Comnulis that in this book the ability to read is the foundation or base that must be learned and occupied by students.
5. Since the second world war, especially in the USA, began to pay attention to modern languages and concentrate more on the composition of the use of language vocabulary. To fulfill this descriptive-formalist school erected. As a result of applying his theory of language experts without needing help from education experts. Moreover, it also waives factors other than the language contained in the education world. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the 50 century and 60's, which is always accompanied by resistance to the use of dialogue (Hiwar) as the main material in foreign language learning.
6. Concentrate fully on the language of communication and dialogue with regard phonetic phenomenon that was never touched by the written language. And the use of technology to assist teachers in teaching, one of which is the use of a tape recorder.
7. Prillaku From the psychological point of view of language is a collection of custom entities that encourage language acquisition through Response-Stimulus. Therefore, the scientists argue that the delivery of language ranging from the smallest being poured into a similar example with the aim to train students to explore each section to a certain extent. Then thoroughly exercises to students successfully learn all the material.
8. Conduct of a comprehensive comparison study between the mother tongue and foreign languages to locate the most fundamental difference.
9. Having the need to create a language lab is an effective learning medium until the present time.
10. The schools are organized around language learning, educational specialists should combine and language specialists in order to devote their respective fields. Educational experts while concentrating on the practical field linguists concentrate on field theory and concepts. This view is contrary to:
1. Whereas phonetic phenomena in language (spoken utterance) is the most fundamental phenomena.
2. Tradition endures language is not pursued.
3. Behold, the language is the language used by humans to practical use in everyday life, and not the language spoken by the experts based on the structure of language speaking validity.
4. Language There is no beginning, but every language on earth arrayed with conventional forms, in which there is intrinsic rules of the language in which it is able to represent human speech is to take an.
The basics of these hypotheses and translated into action steps to be taken by the phenomena of spoken language and foreign language learning by using Audio Lingual Approach (الطريقة السمعية الشفوية) as that produced by the dictates of books and media equipment or study.
The reality is, that previous studies of context psilogis has been the basis of this psychological theory. That's because the language is not a collection of indigenous-only habits but rather a means confirmed by certain rules that need to be dissected.
Although the Audio Lingual Method is growing rapidly for two-three decades across different world, but one there are many shortcomings. Although the methods used after that, also do not achieve perfect format until now.
k. End of the estuary in the study of language is the belief that language is a means of communication. So is the attention in learning a foreign language should be based on the validity (Accuracy). That is the depth of the format / language in its function as a form of communication. Or in other words, in the context of spoken or written language without mistakes.
l. Dominant direction or purpose today is an attempt to provide a useful teaching materials for the social dimension (Social Dimension) (Hormah, 1978). Improve the ability of students to communicate (communicative competence), from the linguistic abilities (linguistic competence). To realize this goal requires a reliable teacher. Because the ability to communicate will not succeed without the seoarang linguists. Basic education is perhaps the application of these methods have difficulty, and when the results will be namapak memungkinkanpun at a higher level. Because students at this level have acquired basic language that allows for the application is applicable.
Second; Psychological Dimensions of Foreign Languages Within Pempelajaran
In terms of psychology, human behavior is influenced by psychological factors (especially the influence of the nerves) and biology. This factor is very influential in the process of learning a foreign language. In addition, humans are also influenced by factors of intelligence and education. For example, the basic motivation in learning, either learn the language or learn a variety of other appropriate science education different. These factors will be explained as follows:
1. Characteristics of neuro spikologis in learning foreign languages
Lots of educators in this modern world are asking the question, especially suitable for the age problems start learning a foreign language. Lately the majority opinion tends to start learning a foreign language from an early age, at least before the legal age (puberty), the appropriate study of Anderson (hal.298-306, 1960), Kirsch (hal.399-400), Larew (p. 203 -206, 1961).
These opinions are based on that child when learning more than one language at an early age, their ability to absorb language better than the adult age. This argument also explains enable a child to learn three or four foreign languages easily-both speech and ability-as he studied the native language.
These views are corroborated by the observer-observer of language in their studies. Al-Kindi (Penfield, hal.201-214, 1959), one of the surgeons ter states that the human brain after balig (adults) will lose plasticitinya. Therefore, learning the language after this period will have trouble.
The other hand, there is an opinion doubting the success of learning a foreign language at an early age. On the pretext that the time devoted to learning a foreign language at the age it will be a negative effect on the mother language learning, as it will also affect the education and development of children's brain. This is in theory they call the Balance of effect, which explains that the time spent in learning a foreign language will greatly affect tehadap learning the mother tongue (native language), as well as the effect of general-education-the child's brain development in the first year.
In terms of neuro physiology, there is the study of the brain's ability perberkembangan applicative, mentioned that in the year to nine to twelve years of a child is able to focus on learning to speak a Specialist in learning to speack, therefore when a child has reached that age would able to learn two or three languages at once is good.
In addition, when a child grows up, he will be protectionism in language learning, therefore the teacher must provide appropriate language curriculum with the ability of their brains either men or women. Another opinion from Dr.. Blompeld, that would be more useful if applying the language curriculum plan that aims to speed up foreign language learning in the second year, so that they can understand that they are still at the beginner stage in learning a foreign language. It was based on that they are not old enough, that in accordance with their brain development. no biological maturity at a reasonable time so that it can work perfectly sebagaaimana the workings of their limbs. (Blompeld, p. 201-214, 1953).
The house has an effective role in language learning. because in it there is a rule that would establish reasonable development of the child. A mother will be easy to encourage children in learning the language, however, remains the biggest motivation in the child's own self.
Small child's brain is still adaptive or flexible in accepting the language, while the adult child's brain has been contaminated by their vision-mission, therefore the child's ability to learn the language of adults in lower than the ability of a child.
It can be confirmed by an analysis, when a small child or an adult right-back learning after the surgery or illness that may affect the organs of speech (left hemisphere), to some extent they are, are not able to speak well. But the little boy would be easier to talk again after a few months, while the adult children can barely speak and stagnant speaking ability.
1. Biological characteristics in learning foreign languages
Clearly, studying the native language that relies on the biological mechanisms of Biological Mechanism children. Brain mechanisms evolved in a short time frame. Children who grow up to puberty (balig) can not speak, it will have a speech impairment and use a language like humans in general. This is confirmed by the opinions Lennberg (Lennberg, p. 216-252, 1966) in his book entitled "Biological Basics in language" that the mother tongue can not be obtained with either for children in infancy to old age. And the time span is the most significant dimension in the psychology of language.
His opinion anyway, that first language acquisition is the limit when approaching the age of puberty (balig). This can be seen in children intelejensianya weak. He appears weak in acquiring the language until they arrive at the initial phase of puberty, due ...... therefore when he was on hard times (talk) in permerolehan bahawa language he learned he was in the early stages of a very limited by the shortage and maturity. This is a result of a child as an adaptation to low influence of psychological nerve.
Lennberg saratnya confirms the importance and scope of psychological ter in foreign language acquisition through tables that clarify language development, acquisition and teaching of mother tongue and foreign languages. As follows:
English language development age
Native language • 0-3 months
• 4-20 months
• 21-36 months
• 3-10 years • Mengingau and Whining
• Whining and sentences
• Acquiring language
• Learn some simple sentence structure and its development depends on how much the pronunciation of the word he used
Foreign Language • 11-14 years
• Mid-puberty until subsequent phases • The ability to use a foreign language
• Feel difficult in acquiring and learning a second language, and increasing age will be increasingly difficult
In his study Yeni-Komshian, Zubin and Afendras (hal.288-305, 1968), explains that a child is more likely his ability to pronounce the sounds of a foreign language in older children. This study has been the perfect fit two people from the age group of five to twenty-one years. As well as this experiment has been carried out for seven hours on two themes which includes learning differences and foreign language training. However, not concrete evidence.
From his analysis, that small children who moved with his father to a new country before the age of consent, will be able to learn the language in which it is housed, and use it with both the local community through spoken language, more so than both parents.
1. Dimensions of Education and intelligence in a Foreign Language Learning
Macmanara (hal.135-137, 1966) confirms, that the influence of neuropsychological and ability to learn a foreign language among children and adults. Macmanara been thinking identifies the seventy chapters on the influence of education and intelligence in language learning.
The result, that there is a balance between the influence of local children and the children who use them or learn two languages. Their understanding of both languages become weaker than in children who only speak with one language. Macmanara has explained that Iralndia children who speak English, 40% of their time learning in their schools to learn the Irish language, obviously they will not be the same-in terms of writing English with English children who have never learned the language second, as the children will not be the same English-language writing in Ireland - with the children of Ireland.
What is clear, that a lot of experiments on learning foreign languages conflicting results. Cause-The cause is the difference in situations and environmental conditions of the experiment, in addition to other internal factors such as those related to education, social and community psychology.
As per decision of UNESCO in 1963-which refers to the opinion of the Stern-on learning a foreign language or a second language for children, that language learning at an early age is a phase that is most suitable in foreign language learning. Stern argues that:
1. Learning languages in general are important in people's social and educational.
2. Learning a language should be in accordance with the phases of child development. This means that the absence of psychological influences which hinder the process of learning a foreign language.
3. In language learning does not mean to look for the right age, it's just at the beginning of the year is a great time to learn the language.
Stern also added, that learning a foreign language is not only limited to simple problems related to curriculum, teaching methods or psychological provision that matches the child's age, but there are other important things, especially concerning the child's spirit and mental attitude towards socio societal context in which it learning.
Stern has explained the positive and negative impacts in language acquisition based on age, as follows:
1. The phase of childhood (age 3-10 years)
• Positive impact:
o In neuropsychological, this phase is in accordance with the workings of the brain
o Learning more easily and effectively
o In this phase, emerging new utterances Alamiyah in speaking.
o These times have a strong influence on the later period in the memory of speaking.
o Acquisition of language in these phases will be more durable to use
• Negative impacts:
• A mixture of foreign languages and customs as between first language (mother)
• Obtaining current language learning at this stage has not reached the heart.
• Time spent not comparable with the results obtained
B. Phase puberty (since the age of 11 years - the end of junior high school)
• Positive impact:
o At these ages, it appears once the ability to respond to these phenomena, especially the language or culture of communication.
o At this age people begin to reaching the high levels
o At this phase of development of the child and the memory intelejesia very high, when compared with the previous phases.
o In this age-old did not happen mixing / confusion among the first to learn the language (mother) and second language (foreign).
• Negative impacts:
Learning a language at this age-old need extra hard effort of the previous phases§
The success of a child depends on the ability to understand all of the knowledge§
There is a tendency not ready to remember§
Personal experience recurring create new teaching materials does not mean§
Usually there are overlaps in methods and study a variety of§
C. Phase Enlightenment (after graduation kuliyah)
• Positive impact:
In this phase focuses on concrete learning objectives§
Motivation in learning more on this phase§
learn more quantity and less time available§
• Negative impacts:
insufficient time to learn§
Preoccupied by assignments and other work§
1. Motivation and their effects in learning a language
Bilingual (use of two or more languages) is a fundamental problem in our modern world. In previous eras some groups of people were very enthusiastic to learn their mother tongue, and reject foreign language. (Jackobovitch, p. 29-79, 1971). It is caused by fanaticism and enmity between countries / nations, cultural identity search, economic and social culture war. As we know that learning a foreign language becomes important as the importance of studying foreign cultures. According to some foreign cultural group that was created as a form of destruction for the experience / cultural values of the majority group.
Studies Lambert (p. 358-368, 1963) conducted in ten years at the university terkhir Machgil Canada have shown that the success of an individual in a foreign language, gradually affect the behavior of the individual concerned. Where such behavior will form the culture of the language in a community. Understanding and attitude will determine the success of a teacher who teaches language learning. As some groups of people who feel worried / confused when learning a foreign language. In the hope they could receive esesnsi other groups, it is because they do not feel welcome in the group and their culture that developed there. While there is no other group that spirit and motivation in learning the language refers to the pleasure of the social culture of their society, and the ambition to put an entirely different foreign cultures.
The reality-that although he was competent in learning a foreign language - it always pay attention to the social conditions of the original (Original Group) and at other times he is also always consider the social conditions of the people of both.
Based on the two forms of culture (culture first and second) person, in fact he sometimes experiences familiarize appreciation with a sense of disappointment when he lost to be able to communicate with one of them, and the feeling of anxiety when dating a new culture.
Factors that affect motivation in learning a foreign language
1. Criteria evaluation (self-Evaluation)
as it has been known that the individual-psychological terms-that learning a foreign language can accelerate language learning. This was confirmed by Hoeningswald (point, 16-20, 1966) that some individuals have the ability to self-evaluate. He was very motivated in learning a particular language. While some other individuals view themselves not capable of learning a particular language. Sometimes the ability invidu in stringing sentences appropriately and correctly pronounce the strukr correct, then individuals like this from the standpoint of both languages classified able to understand the language and teaching. While individual words poorly and improper use of its structure, it is possible that individuals are not able to speak a foreign language well.
As a student who is able to read heavy materials in foreign languages, while at other times he was not able to speak a foreign language, this reduces their understanding of a foreign language he learned, when compared with students who often speak in a foreign language, and even in a occasion he looks weak in finding the equivalent word, then in fact the student as he is also being evaluated. And the base is the spirit of progress in learning and awareness of his inability to use a foreign language.
1. Attitude (mental preparation) students
The second factor affecting motivation in learning a foreign language, is the attitude of the students. Sometimes a student feels overwhelmed by the activities of foreign bebahasa learning. Both activities in the classroom, in the lab and homework (Jacopovitch, p. 29-76, 1971).
Small children or big child most of the average intelligence level below the standard-ratatidak perform these activities as well as a large children or students cerdas.ini all stem from the attitudes of students in a foreign language mempeljari. In this modern age most students perceive that teaching certain material should be related to the spirit of the students, therefore students' attitudes and everything related to the motivation to learn is essential in improving the ability of students towards learning a foreign language.
Among the evidence of the importance of the attitudes of students in learning a foreign language is what has been done by several universities today, is to follow sertakaan students in making the language curriculum, so that the curriculum is aligned with students' attitudes and, more important is their motivation in learning (Jacopovitch, it . 29-76, 1971).
An experienced teacher of foreign languages, will know that the students' motivation in learning a foreign language is very varied and will be difficult to cope with this motivation only through engineering education.
Thus you shall purge the study ascertains Muller and Harris study is to minimize the amount of delay / retardation of learning a foreign language learning in the future which reached 20% in which the studies are based on the principle of minimizing the sources of difficulty in accordance with the tendency of students in teaching the curriculum without leaving its primary purpose.
Two factors (self-evaluation criteria and attitudes of students) is what affects the motivation in learning a foreign language.
Basics You Should Look For In A Foreign Language Learning
So what should be considered in learning a foreign language?, With regard to this question is no daasar-basis to consider in learning a foreign language, among others:
1. Goal None of the most suitable to be applied logically in foreign language teaching. There is no concrete evidence that the foreign language learning should start up the communication language or reading or even vice versa. The reason is bervariatifnya trends and needs of students, as well as its readiness in learning a foreign language.
2. It should clarify the purpose of teaching a foreign language curriculum specifically by considering maharah (language skills) specific, which allows to political reality.
3. In foreign language teaching does not mean the realization of certain objectives but also embodies the ability and readiness to learn.
4. Especially with regard to the question "what age is suitable to start learning a foreign language?", Is a complicated problem that requires a political strategy, socio-cultural, philosophical and psychological. In the psychological context should not only focus on neuro-psychological factors, but also should pay attention to other factors that have been mentioned.
5. In learning a foreign language should we always emphasize attention on the socio-psychological
6. Existence of differences in teaching methods in learning a foreign language, because it is influenced by the extent bervariatifnya responsibelitas teacher creativity and student learning in addressing them.
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