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Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

Expression of Greetings, Introducing, and Parting

Greeting adalah salam. Misalnya “Selamat pagi/Good morning”, “Selamat sore/Good afternoon”, “Hallo kawan/Hallo frend”. Introducing adalah memperkenalkan. Misalnya “Nama saya Mr. Izzuddin/My name is Mr. Izzudin”, “Perkenalkan ini Andi, teman saya/Allow me to introduce my friend, Andi”. Sedangkan parting adalah salam perpisahan, misalnya, “Sampai jumpa/See you…”, Good bye”, dan sebagainya.
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
How nice to see you
How are you?
How do
you do?
How’re you doing?
Hi !

How to Response :
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Yes, it’s been so nice
Fine, thanks
How do you do?
Not bad
Hi !
Good night
See you later
How to Response:
Good night
See you
Introducing Yourself
First let me introducing myself.
My name is….
Allow me to introduce myself
I’m ….
Excuse me my name is ……..
How do you do? My name is…
Hi! I’m ………
Introducing Someone
I would like to introducing you to …
I’d like you to meet ….
Allow me to introduce ….
Contoh Dialog Expression of Greetings, Introducing, and Parting
Today is the commemoration of National Education Day. Every province in Indonesia sends their representatives to attend outstanding students gathering in Jakarta.
Asep : Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Ali. I study at SMAN 19 Bandung.
Denias : Hi, I’m Denias, I’m from Papua. Nice to meet you.
Asep : Nice to meet you too. Let’s go to the crowd.
Denias and Asep go to the crowd and they meet a girl.
Sri : Hi, Asep. How are you?
Asep : I’m fine. How about you?
Sri : I’m fine too. Thank you.
Asep : Elvi, this is Denias,
my new friend.
Denias : Hi. How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
Sri : How do you do? Pleased to meet you too.
Denias : By the way, what is your hobby?
Sri : I like cooking very much. I can spend my whole day for cooking.
Denias : Wow, great. My hobby is cooking too. Will you tell me how to cook special foods from your province? I’d like to know them.
Asep : Alright my friends, let’s talk about cooking later. We should go to the palace to meet the President of Indonesia.
Denias and Sri : Let’s go. We can talk about cooking later.

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