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Belajar Bahasa Inggris

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it's about feeling

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care of Environtment

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grammar and punctuation

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This is default featured slide 5 title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam. blogger theme by

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015



emakin dibutuhkannya Personal Computer (PC), bukannya memicu kenaikan harga dan “sok tidak dibutuhkan”dari penjual, namun makin memperseru perang harga.
Persaingan harga komputer (PC) dimungkinkan akan semakin seru tahun ini, dengan banyaknya produsen PC yang memotong dan “menyabot” harga agar produknya bisa tetap eksis, demikian diungkapkan para analisis di New York

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

positif thinking [Peace of Mind Tips and Advice]

Peace of Mind Tips and Advice

By Remez Sasson
What Is Peace of Mind?
Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or stress. In this state, the mind is quiet, and you experience a sense of happiness and freedom.
Such peaceful moments are not so rare. You have experienced them in the past, at times when you were engaged in some kind of an absorbing or interesting activity. Here are a few examples:
  • Watching an entertaining movie or TV program.
  • Being in the company of someone you love.
  • Being absorbed in reading a book.
  • Lying on the sand at the beach.
  • On vacation, when you experience some sort of mental numbness, forgetting your work and day-to-day-life.
  • In deep asleep, when you are not aware of anything.

The Power of Concentration

The Power of Concentration
By Remez Sasson

"The powers of the mind are like the rays of the sun. When they are concentrated, they illumine." - Swami Vivekananda
When I was a child, I saw how a magnifying glass could burn a piece of paper, when the rays of the sun were focused through it on one point. The fire could only be ignited, when the sun's rays were concentrated on a small point. When the magnifying glass was moved too far away, or too close to the paper, the rays were not focused enough, and nothing happened.
This experience, describes vividly, how the power of concentration works. It is a skill, which enables you to fix your attention on one single thought or subject, while at the same time excluding from your awareness everything else.

Expression of Greetings, Introducing, and Parting

Greeting adalah salam. Misalnya “Selamat pagi/Good morning”, “Selamat sore/Good afternoon”, “Hallo kawan/Hallo frend”. Introducing adalah memperkenalkan. Misalnya “Nama saya Mr. Izzuddin/My name is Mr. Izzudin”, “Perkenalkan ini Andi, teman saya/Allow me to introduce my friend, Andi”. Sedangkan parting adalah salam perpisahan, misalnya, “Sampai jumpa/See you…”, Good bye”, dan sebagainya.

31 Contoh Peribahasa/Pepatah Bijak dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

31 Contoh Peribahasa/Pepatah Bijak dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya 

– Berikut ini, ada nasihat-nasihat yang sangat menarik, disampaikan menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dan bermanfaat!
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Seseorang yang ada disaat kita susah adalah teman sejati

A good example is the best sermon.
Memberikan contoh yang baik lebih berarti daripada hanya sekedar menasehati.

A good name is better than a good face.

12 Proven Ways Positive Thinking Helps Your Career

12 Proven Ways Positive Thinking Helps Your Career

September 13th is Positive Thinking Day, and in honor of this holiday, we think it’s important to point out the helpful impact that positive thinking can have on your career. Whether you’re cutting out gossip or wiping out stress, being positive at work can make a really big difference. Read on, and you’ll discover 12 of the ways that positive thinking can help your career.

Faktor yg Mempengaruhi Anak dalam belajar bahasa asing

Posted by Sekolah Bintang Malang Senin, 08 Juli 2013 0 komentar 

Klub Jenius English Malang
Apakah anda merasa anak anda kesulitan belajar bahasa asing?? Atau anak anda tidak tertarik untuk belajar bahasa asing? Mulai sekarang anda harus cari tahu penyebab-penyebab yang mempengaruhi anak anda kesulitan belajar bahasa asing terutama bahasa Inggris yang menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran wajib disekolah .
Menurut Ibu Kasihani K.E. Suyanto dalam bukunya English for Young Learner, menjelaskan bahwa ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi belajar bahasa Inggris. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah:

1.       Bahasa Ibu
Tidak jarang bahasa ibu atau bahasa pertama  menjadi penghambat dalam mempelajari bahasa asing. Ejaan, pengucapan, intonasi, struktur kalimat ataupun kosakata yang berbeda antara bahasa pertama dan bahasa kedua kadang membuat anak merasa kesulitan mempelajarinya. Seperti pengucapan bunyi huruf yang panjang seperti pada kata roof; diftong /au/, /ou/ seperti pada kata now [nau] dan road [roud]. Dan juga pola kata benda yang yang di kombinasi dengan kata sifat misalnya:
Beautiful woman
      Adj           N
Dalam bahasa Indonesia letaknya berbeda:
Wanita Cantik
     N         Adj

2.       Bahan Ajar
Pemilihan materi sebagai bahan ajar dengan teknik pembelajaraan yang sesuai dengan usia dan minat anak akan memberi ketertarikan tersendiri untuk anak dalam belajar. Bahan ajar hendaknya yang dapat mengajak siswa untuk belajar aktif, yang mempunyai tujuan jelas dan bermakna. Sesuaikan juga dengan pemilihan kata serta tingkat kesulitan. Susunlah dengan runtut mulai dari yang mudah ke yang lebih susah.

Tentang Saya

Curriculum vitae responden
(DaftarRiwayatHidup )

Data  pribadi
Nama                                          : Ana Taspiana
Tempat/ tanggallahir                     : cellu, 17 juli 1993
Agama                                        : Islam
Pekerjaan                                    : Mahasiswi
Status                                          : BelumKawin
Kewarganrgaraan                        : Indonesia
Alamat                                        : Jl. YosSudarso
Telepon/No.HP                           : 085241496525
Email                                           :
Blog                                           : B13Anataspiana047Smile.Blogspot.Com

Watampone,   November  2015

Yang bermohon.

Ana taspiana




                      Di susunoleh :
                     NAMA : ANA TASPIANA
                      NIM : 411 016
                      PRODI / SEMESTER : ENGLISH 1 / 5

TAHUN AJARAN 2014/2015
A.     History of Language Teaching
The history of language teaching presented has been mostly adapted from Meckey and Richards and Rodgers. The develovement is presented chronologically so that the history of language teaching can be easily traced back from the past.
The history of language teaching presented in this book has been mostly adapted from Mackey (1975) and Richards and Rodgers (1986 and 2001). The development is presented chronologically so that the history of language teaching can be easily traced back from the past. Some ways of teaching foreign languages adapted from the book are not necessarily methods; they may be simply collections of some lessons of teaching experiences.

materi tentang etika 4

Apr 8, '08 8:17 AM
for everyone

Akhlak adalah hal yang terpenting dalam kehidupan manusia karena akhlak mencakup segala pengertian tingkah laku, tabi'at, perangai, karakter manusia yang baik maupun yang buruk dalam hubungannya dengan Khaliq atau dengan sesama rnakhluk.
Rasulullah saw bersabda: " Sesungguhnya hamba yang paling dicintai Allah ialah yang paling baik akhlaknya".
Pada makalah ini kami akan memaparkan pengertian akhlak, norma, etika, moral dan nilai.

LIRIK That's Why (You go Away) Michael Learns to Rock

Michael Learns To Rock

That's Why (You Go Away)

Baby won't you tell me why there sadness in your eyes
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
but there is something left in my head


Berikut adalah Tips Lancar Berbicara Bahasa Inggris.
1.    Percaya Diri
Untuk menumbuhkan percaya diri dalam memulai berkomunikasi Bahasa Inggris tidaklah mudah. Rasa takut, khawatir, malu selalu menghantui saat akan mencoba untuk berbicara. Untuk melawan rasa tersebut, cobalah memulai. Tidak perlu benar, yang penting rasa percaya diri tinggi (PeDe). Survey membuktikan, orang yang PeDe tinggi saat berbicara Bahasa Inggris akan lebih cepat lancar walaupun belum tentu yang diucapkan benar. Itulah proses awal, jika kita percaya diri untuk memulai, kita pasti bisa.

Contoh soal Materi tentang [Time]

Telling me the Time

Write the time in words. The first two are done are done for you.
6 : 00pm
Six PM

10 : 10pm

expression like and dislike


Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pasti kita pernah mengutarakan ekspresi mengenai suka dan tidak suka. Sesuatu yang menyenangkan hati atau benda yang enak dipandang berarti menandakan bahwa kita menyukai sesuatu/ benda  tersebut namun bila perasaan sebaliknya berarti menandakan kita tidak menyukai dengan sesuatu/ benda tersebut.

My Daily Activity [Antas]

Nama         : Ana Taspiana
Kelas /Nim   : B / 513047
The second Task of English for Communication


My name is Ana Taspiana, I am 22 years old. My activity as a student has the distinction of activity in each day, and on this occasion I will tell my usual daily activities to do with my family. Here's the story:
The morning
As a muslim, every morning I woke up at 05 a.m. to carry out the obligation to take holy water to take  dawn prayer. After that normally I would read the qur'an with my sister. And then I took exercise such as walks around the neighborhood of my house. Activities that I do until 06.00 in the morning. Afterward I tidied up my bedroom such us opening the window, turning off the lamp, sweeping the floor, arranging my pillow and bolsters and folding my blanket. And then I took a bath in bathroom while washed my face and brushed my teeth. Next I got dress my campus uniform and have a breakfast. After that I was getting ready to go to campus. I got study at 08.00 am. I usually go to campus using a motorcyle provided by my father. Before I went to campus, I asked permission to my father and shook his hand.
In the campus
I study at PEC (Prima Education Centre). That is located at Sukawati Street. My lesson in the campus is talk about mastery in technology. Most of the lesson that I learned was computer system. My studying hours are from 08: 00 a.m. until 12.00 p.m in the mornng class or from 01: 00 p.m until 05: 00 pm in the afternoon class. At 01: 00 p.m I usually take dhuhur prayer at mosque after from campus or before go there. Then I don’t forget to take  lunch.
Afternoon (after home work)
In the afternoon, I usually directly prepare to take Ashar prayer. When time allows I like to pray in Congregation in the mosque, but if not I will pray at home. After that I usually spend the afternoon for teaching english course in PEC (Prima Education Centre) especially of Elementary 1. Or if the condition of the class is not enable in the afternoon. I will teach english course in the evening. These activities I do at 03.00 p.m. till 05.00 p.m. or if there is not class to teach, I usually spend my time to listening music and studying beside my home, and then I bathe and prepare to take sunset prayer in the mosque.